Dramatic New Conclusions About the Impact of Video

We know how important video is, below is new evidence that really brings it home.  Our world moves fast and to keep up we must learn to multitask, which means we now have a short attention span.  Video catches your attention.  You can say more in a quick video, and in a far more interesting way, than you can in a four-page article or proposal.

Smartphones, tablets, laptops, fancy apps, Facebook and Twitter are a big part of our culture, and video drives just about everything.  So if a video is not part of your communications model you are missing a key component to getting your message out there.

Adobe, an industry leader in video software and production, has just put together a study with some stunning conclusions about the growth and impact of video as a communications tool.  Here are a few quotes and highlights to think about:

The findings

  • Digital video consumption has grown 30% year over year in Q4 2012.
  • From Q3 to Q4 2012 alone, video consumption grew 13%.
  • There has been 50% growth in video streams since Q1 2011.
  • New TV and sports content drove the highest growth in video streams in Q4 2012.

The impact of a jump in smartphone and tablet use is changing how we watch video

  • Video starts on smartphones tripled year over year from 2011 to 2012.
  • Tablet video consumption slightly out paced smartphones in video starts.

Here is where it gets interesting

  • Facebook dominates the social referrals but Twitter is three times more likely to refer to a video than other types of content.
  • During 2012, video social engagement jumped from 42% to 70%.
  • Viral reach of video also outpaces other types of content. In Q1 2012, viral reach share was 55% versus non-video content, and by Q4 had grown to 77%.

The conclusion

  • Find ways to create personalized digital video experiences for your viewers, visitors, and advertisers. While most videos are consumed on PCs, views on mobile devices have tripled from 2011 to 2012. Look for opportunities to weave more video content into your marketing channels, such as social media.
  • Offering more video content is one key to unlocking the value of social media. Brands should create more video for use in social marketing and publishers should increase social media marketing efforts to attract more engaged digital video viewers.

If you have a message, a brand, a goal, or if you are looking to fill the ranks in recruitment, video and social media are a must for any smart communications and marketing plan.


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