When the Charles County Sheriff’s Office wanted to expand their search for candidates to become officers, they created a message theme that centered on the department’s “Pride.”
It turns out “Pride” is a big word with a lot of meaning.
“Pride in doing the job”
“Pride in putting on the uniform”
“Pride in being part of the community”
“Pride in being there when someone needs help”
With CCSO Pride as the center of the campaign, West Street created, produced and directed a recruitment series for the departments web site, social media platforms, and for personal appearances for the recruitment unit.
The project consisted of three short spots, and a thirty-second spot for a commercial, which can be used in movie theatre promotions, and web site splash videos.
“Too often in law enforcement the focus is on the high speed chase, or the arrest of a bad guy,” said Dan Cohen, President of West Street, “in the CCSO series we were more interested in the emotional connection to helping people in need, something you often don’t think about when is comes to the everyday work of a police officer.”
To capture that, West Street highlighted two incidents in which an officer’s quick thinking saved a life. One involved stopping a desperate citizen seconds before he would have taken his own life, and the other, the rescue of a child from a devastating car wreck.
“The emotional connection in these stories will help make the job more human and interwoven into peoples lives,” Cohen said, “the series connects with the viewer on an emotional level.”
Click here to see more samples of CCSO Pride.