The next time you are in line to pay for something, or at a restaurant take a look at the cash register. There's a long and twisted history behind the machine that changed the retail world.
Culture and training are some of the most difficult challenges in law enforcement. Changing the way things "have always been done". The National ICAT Training Center, operated by The Police Executive Research Forum has opened the doors to a multi-million dollar facility to train officers on new ways to handle many confrontational situations. The techniques…
From coast to coast, law enforcement agencies are in search of officer candidates. West Street has specialized in first responder recruitment for more than 20-years. Our award winning productions have earned a reputation as one of the leading and knowledgable companies in the business. Our work is designed with a purpose to be part of…
"The original six", that was the number of officers sworn in to patrol Montgomery County, Maryland, just outside of Washington, DC. That was back in 1922. There were no fancy patrol cars, no computers with instant communications, and no specialized units. They were given a badge, a gun, and a motorcycle, then told to wait…
PERF, a law enforcement think tank has conducted an important study for police across the country. In the wake of the summer protests in 2020, police departments must rethink how to handle large demonstrations. The key, PERF says, is successful community relations. West Street produced and directed a short video to introduce the study and…
The Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, DC works hard to recruit officers who were born and raised in DC. Who better to become the next generation of police? Their unique program offers high school grads a college degree, a full time job while in school, and a career as an officer after graduation. West Street…
How do you film and produce a fundraising video during COVID when you can't film? You have to get creative! "Student PIRGs" asked for our help for their student action group across the country. We went to work, remotely.
Award winning journalist Karen Gray Houston published an emotional account of growing up in Montgomery Alabama during the heart of the civil rights movement in America. A very personal story of her father and uncle's behind the scenes organizing of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Her uncle becoming the attorney for Rosa Parks, and at one…
West Street leads the way in smart recruitment video production for law enforcement and first responder production. From the smallest agency, to big city policing, West Street creates, produces and directs recruitment videos for all media from social to web sites. Today, every frame of video makes a statement about your agency. Recruitment videos are not…
PERF - The Police Executive Research Forum took on one of the most difficult and emotional situations facing any law enforcement officer. When someone chooses to take their own life while confronting a police officer to use lethal force to achieve that goal. PERF developed an extensive training program the help police end the situation…