Video Production Gallery
When you visit our clients page you will see some of the clients we get involved with, and the different types of projects we work on. From Executive Media Training, to video production, our clients can range from first responders, to safety advocates, non-profits, healthcare, public relations firms, corporations, and government agencies. We love the variety, and the challenge. You never know what world is next. Here are some samples of our “back stage pass to the world.”
“It’s a Great Time To BE MPD” When The Metropolitan Police Department In Washington, DC stepped up it’s recruitment effort, we helped with their social media strategy. West Street designed and produced the “Are You The One” video campaign. Based on interviews and research, we created a series of short videos that tell the story of the DC Police Department, “From the marble, to the neighborhoods, we are the police for the Nation’s Capital.” The production included a thirty-second splash video for web sites, as well as three short videos for the department social media channels. See all four videos here.
Committed to Excellence: When the Howard County Police department in Howard County, Maryland wanted to upgrade their video content and officer recruitment campaign, West Street produced and directed a series of web videos for the department. A thirty-second spot, and three short videos tell the story of the department and why a career in law enforcement is exciting and rewarding. At the same time, the recruitment video campaign serves as the center for the departments rebranding campaign, “Committed to Excellence” with the thirty-second spot also serving as a web splash video. View the entire series here.
AUNG SAN SUU KYI: She was held under house arrest for nearly 15-years, fighting for freedom and democracy in Burma. To help tell her story to a distinguished audience, we produced a short video for the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, for the Elie Wiesel award ceremony. Her moving story is overwhelming.
TESTING THE STUDENTS: Every web site, Facebook page, even tweets must have video, a critical tool to communicate ideas and messages. When the U.S. Department of Education introduced a new segment of their assessment test called NAEP, West Street produced a web video to explain how it works. The video was short, but it took a lot of lights, camera, action, with actors, real students, and location shoots. The NAEP assessment measures progress of education in America by randomly testing kids across the country. We have produced a number of NAEP video projects; it was great to be part of this project, and one of the best.
CLIMATE CHANGE: We travel the world to tell stories. In this case, to the top of the world. We got to tag along with climate change researchers drilling deep into the Arctic ice, bringing up air bubbles frozen for 150,000 years! Wow, what an experience! The story was told in a series of web pieces, but before we put them up on the site, we put together a small “tease” spot previewing the series for StormCenter Communications.
JUST DRIVE: When a non-profit safety group needed help getting a message to teens about texting and driving, we jumped right in. Working with the client’s theme, “What wouldn’t you do while texting?” We asked high school students to get involved in the project. The budget was tight, but the kids were excited to contribute, and the crew was great.
9-1-1 SPANISH LANGUAGE: The Prince George’s County Emergency Communications Center asked us to produce an information video to use in community meetings to explain to residents what happens on the other end of the line when you call 9-1-1 for help. The video was such a success, we produced a second video in Spanish.
DOCUMENTARY: Check out our documentary projects and view the trailer from our award-winning PBS documentary Space Shuttle Columbia: Mission of Hope , and learn about our new documentary History – Gone from the Hall which is currently in production.