When you visit our clients page you will see some of the clients we get involved with, and the different types of projects we work on. From Executive Media Training, to video production, our clients can range from first responders, to safety advocates, non-profits, healthcare, public relations firms, corporations, and government agencies. We love the variety, and the challenge. You never know what world is next. Here are some samples of our “back stage pass to the world.”
DOCUMENTARY: Check out our documentary projects and view the trailer from our award-winning PBS documentary Space Shuttle Columbia: Mission of Hope , and learn about our new documentary History – Gone from the Hall which is currently in production.
For more information contact West Street
Handling “Suicide by Cop” a Training Program
PERF - The Police Executive Research Forum took on one of the most difficult and emotional situations facing any law enforcement officer. When someone…
PERF – Police Executive Research Foundation
PERF - is a Washington "think tank" for law enforcement agencies across the country. Their latest project is called "Chapter 2", a guide to…
The Galapagos
West Street produced and directed a series of science videos for Celebrity Cruises and their new ship "Flora" cruising in the Galapagos Islands. Passengers…
The Promise of JPSS
The JPSS satellite is changing the way forecasters are able to predict severe weather, and major natural events which threaten lives and property. From…
Climate Summit Promo
Each year StormCenter Communications hosts a "Climate and Weather Summit" for broadcast meteorologists from around the country. An extraordinary gathering to learn about the…
Solar Eclipse Satellite Media Tour Promo
StormCenter Communications is an innovative leader in the broadcast industry and weather forecasting, sharing new technologies and science with broadcast meteorologists across the country. StormCenter…
Spanish Language Recruitment
The Charles County Sheriff's Department wanted to recruit duel language speaking candidates to become officers. West Street produced and directed a :30 commercial…
The Core Values
From the first moment you walk into the academy, to when you start patrolling the streets, The Core Values are the code of conduct…
GOES-R & StormCenter
The GOES-16 satellite is a "game changer" in weather forecasting. Now forecasters are able to see severe storms in almost real time. The high-resolution…