When you visit our clients page you will see some of the clients we get involved with, and the different types of projects we work on. From Executive Media Training, to video production, our clients can range from first responders, to safety advocates, non-profits, healthcare, public relations firms, corporations, and government agencies. We love the variety, and the challenge. You never know what world is next. Here are some samples of our “back stage pass to the world.”
DOCUMENTARY: Check out our documentary projects and view the trailer from our award-winning PBS documentary Space Shuttle Columbia: Mission of Hope , and learn about our new documentary History – Gone from the Hall which is currently in production.
For more information contact West Street
(NEW) OCPD Summer First Responder Recruitment
The Ocean City, Maryland is a prime vacation destination. Each summer the population mushrooms as vacationers make their way to the beaches on the…
CCSO Pride
"Pride is what drives us at CCSO": The Charles County Sheriff's Office in Charles County, Maryland wanted a recruitment series that mirrored their branding…
The National Crime Prevention Council
That ball cap of your favorite team you purchased for just $5.00, or a Gucci that watch your neighbor got for $30.00 may seem…
9-1-1 Spanish Language
The Prince George’s County Emergency Communications Center asked us to produce an information video to use in community meetings to explain to residents what…
Climate Change
We travel the world to tell stories. In this case, to the top of the world. We got to tag along with climate change…
Testing the Students
Every web site, Facebook page, even tweets must have video, a critical tool to communicate ideas and messages. When the U.S. Department of Education…
Hidden Heroes
The Elizabeth Dole Foundation is on a mission, to help loved ones who are caring for America's wounded warriors. West Street produced a short…
A City Like No Other – Needs Officers Like No Other MPD
“A City Like No Other - Needs Officers Like No Other” When The Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, DC stepped up it’s recruitment effort,…